
Sayurandi, SP.

Name                                                : Sayurandi

Research Institution                      : Sungei Putih Research Centre, Indonesian Rubber  Research Institute

Address                                             : Complex housing office at Sungei Putih Research  Centre, Galang-Deli Serdang,

North Sumatera Province  Centre, Galang-Deli Serdang, North Sumatera

Province Po Box 1415, Medan 20001

Professional rank &field               : Junior Researcher in Plant Genetic and Breeding

E-mail                                               : sayurandi_sp@yahoo.com

Place & date of birth                      : Bandar Tongah, 15 Desember 1983

Education                                        :

  • BS, North Sumatra University, Medan, Indonesia
  • MS, Postgraduate, Bogor Agricultural University, Bogor, Indonesia,

Work experience                            :

  • 2006 – present   :  Work as Staff Officer  at Sungei Putih Research Center

Administration task (if any)        :    –

Awards                                             :

  • The Best Young Researcher in Category  Research at RPN in 2014
  • The Best Young Researcher Candidate at The National Training, Education Center for Researcher Development in 2008

Professional associations          :

  • PERIPI – North Sumatra Province