
Profil Peneliti

Syarifah Aini Pasaribu, SP

Nama Syarifah Aini Pasaribu, SP
Perguruan Tinggi, Jurusan dan Tahun Lulus Universitas Andalas
Kelompok Peneliti Pemuliaan & Genetika Tanaman
Jabatan Fungsional Peneliti Muda
Unit Kerja Balai Penelitian Sungei Putih
Jabatan Struktural -
Alamat Email aini_pasaribu@yahoo.co.id

Sayurandi, SP.

Name                                                : Sayurandi

Research Institution                      : Sungei Putih Research Centre, Indonesian Rubber  Research Institute

Address                                             : Complex housing office at Sungei Putih Research  Centre, Galang-Deli Serdang,

North Sumatera Province  Centre, Galang-Deli Serdang, North Sumatera

Province Po Box 1415, Medan 20001

Professional rank &field               : Junior Researcher in Plant Genetic and Breeding

E-mail                                               : sayurandi_sp@yahoo.com

Place & date of birth                      : Bandar Tongah, 15 Desember 1983

Education                                        :

  • BS, North Sumatra University, Medan, Indonesia
  • MS, Postgraduate, Bogor Agricultural University, Bogor, Indonesia,

Work experience                            :

  • 2006 – present   :  Work as Staff Officer  at Sungei Putih Research Center

Administration task (if any)        :    -

Awards                                             :

  • The Best Young Researcher in Category  Research at RPN in 2014
  • The Best Young Researcher Candidate at The National Training, Education Center for Researcher Development in 2008

Professional associations          :

  • PERIPI – North Sumatra Province

Dr. Sekar Woelan

Curriculum Vitae

Name                                              : Dr. Sekar Woelan

Research Institution                    : Indonesian Rubber Research Institute

Address                                          : Jln. Salak No. 1. Bogor. West Java

Professional rank &field               : Senior Researcher in Plant Breeding

E-mail                                             : sekaryudi@yahoo.com

Place & date of birth                     : Malang-East Java, 09 July 1958

Education                                       :

  • BS, Gadjah Mada University,Yogjakarta-Centre Java, Indonesia
  • MS, Sumatra Utara University, Medan-North Sumatera,  Indonesia
  • PhD, Sumatera Utara Unioversity, Medan-North Sumatera, Indonesia

Work experience                         :

  • 1984 – August 1985          : Indonesian Institute of Sience
  • 1985 – present                   : Indonesian Rubber Research Institute

Administration task (if any)       : -

Awards                                          :

No Inovation Clone Remark
1. Latex clone BPM 107 SK Mentan No.415/kpts/SR.1 20/8/2003
2. Latex clone BPM 109 SK Mentan No.416/kpts/SR.120/8/2003
3. Latex clone IRR 104 SK Mentan No.314/kpts/SR.120/8/2005
4. Latex-timber clone IRR 112 SK Mentan No.511/kpts/SR.120/9/2007
5. Latex-timber clone IRR 118 SK Mentan No.315/kpts/SR.120/8/2005
6. Latex-timber clone IRR 220 Protection of Plant Variety Right.  No : 00302/PPVT/T/2014
7. Latex-timber clone IRR 230 Protection of Plant Variety Right.  No : 00303/PPVT/T/2014

Professional associations          :  Indonesian Breeding Associatons

Current R & D activity                 :

1.  Research of rubber breeding and selection

  • Crossing and selection of a good genotype to produce of latex clone and latex-timber clone
  • Tested of latex clone and latex-timber clone in different agroclimate

2.  Research of rubber biotechnology

  • Rubber Somatic Embriogenesis
  • Identification of rubber clone trough molecular method

3.  Instructor in rubber training as specialy rubber planting material and rubber breeding

Dr. Sinung Hendratno

Name                                                : Dr. Sinung Hendratno

Research Institution                     : Indonesian Rubber Research Institute

Address                                            : Jl. Danau Limboto Blok E VIII No: 14 Bogor

Professional rank &field              : Senior Researcher in Agricultural Economics

E-mail                                             : shendratno@yahoo.com

Place & date of birth                     : Sragen, 27 January 1960

Education                                        :

  • BS,   Bogor Agriculture University, Bogor, Indonesia
  • MS,   Bogor Agriculture University, Bogor, Indonesia
  • PhD, Bogor Agriculture University, Bogor, Indonesia

Work experience                         :

  1. 1983 – 2011          : Researcher in Sembawa Research Station, Indonesian Rubber Research Institute
  2. 2011 – present     : Researcher in Indonesian Rubber Research Institute

Administration task (if any)     : Head Division of Research Administration in Indonesian Rubber Research Institute

Professional associations          : Indonesian Researcher Union

Current R & D activity                :

  1. Build Modelling for Trade of Indonesian Natural Rubber
  2. Build Modelling for Forecasting of Price of Natural Rubber